Wednesday, October 9, 2013

*******SUNSHINE AWARD TAG***********

I was tagged by one of my fave girls Ashley over at CIAO BELLA. Ashley is my bblogger twin as we share the same birthday which is very bizarre the chances we ended up in eachothers company in this ocean of beauty blogging. Interesting the way things work out. Its a pleasure to know you girl:)
 Check out Ashley's page!

So what is The Sunshine Award??
The Sunshine Award is "given to those who inspire us and bring 'sunshine' into our lives."

 There are a few simple rules for the Sunshine Award:
*Include Award Logo in or on your blog post.
*Link to the person who nominated you
*Answer 10 questions about yourself
*Nominate other bloggers to give this award to
Here are the questions!

. What made you start blogging and why?
I have used makeup for a very long time and feel that I have strong opinions about what makes a product good or bad and wanted to share those views. However I am still trying to find my comfort zone within the blogging community. All though I love makeup, there are equally many other topics I feel I could cover for a fraction of the money I dish out on cosmetics.

2. When did you first wear makeup?
When I was 10

3. What are your Fall go-to makeup colors?
Rusts, plums, red, golds and of course neutrals

4. Where is your favorite place to relax?
RELAX bahahaha what the heck is that??? I am not a relaxed person in any sense of the word. The question should read for me "Where do you go when your high strung?"

 5. Who's your favorite beauty guru?
I don't have one, but if I had to mention one person it would be Wayne of Goss Makeup Artist. He truly is a master of his craft, always offering up tips, tricks and good concise reviews of products. He is not a person that seems to be blowing smoke up everyones ass just for some time in the spotlight. The brushes Wayne recently released is a true reflection of a man who wants to offer quality over quantity in everything he puts out into the world. I appreciate that no matter what he always "Thanks" his viewers for their time, which is an admirable quality in my eyes.
Oh! and he is easy on the eyes ladies and gents;)

6. Where is your dream vacation?
Northern Scotland or for a warm exotic place Bali

7. If you were on a deserted island, what beauty items would you have?
Nothing because there is sources of beauty around you. Salt water for beachy tossled hair. Fish oil is good for your internal beauty which helps the outside and you get a workout trying to catch them via wooden spear method. Coconut oil from fresh raw coconuts put under pressure of rocks and drink the coconut water to replace electrolytes from all your hard work. As long as you know what is safe some berries can be used as lip and cheek stain. You can also use the red clay present on some islands to cover your skin from sunburn. Also being able to purify the ocean water to drink because without water it don't matter how beautiful you look your going be dead from dehydration;P
Remember the 333 rule 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food.

8. What is the one thing you like about blogging the most?
Sharing my random bits of information that may reach people in a way that I wouldn't expect. Making connections with new people.

9. Favorite Fall treat?
Fresh pressed farm cider and candy corn

10. What is your dream job? Why?
To write an award winning "Cook Book" with all my own photography. Nothing brings family together like food, it's a universal language of LOVE:)

My SUNSHINE picks are


Sooz Sheehan-

Neya V-


NO rush if you can't get to it right away:) Oh and for those that I did not list it doesn't mean your not sunshine it just means you were already picked and there is always another tag coming up if I missed ya.

Here are my questions to YOU GIRLS!

1. What perfume is your signature scent?
2. Why did you start wearing makeup?
3. Do your prefer traditional Halloween costumes or the ones that are sexy, if so why?
4. What outlet do you use to get rid of anger???
 5. Who inspires your fashion style?
6. Do you follow trends??
7. Do you feel the way women wear their makeup is a reflection of who they are?
8. If you were not doing a beauty blog, what other blog could you see yourself doing and why?
10. What makeup is on your face right now?

Thanks again Ashley for the tag, and thank you to the ladies around me that bring a little extra sunshine each day.


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