Tuesday, February 11, 2014


There has been a lot of hype surrounding the release of Maybelline Baby Skin and so I decided being a less expensive primer on the market I would give it a try. Now keeping in mind I normally don't use primer and years ago when Smashbox first released their "Photo finish primer" that was the very first and only one I ever tried because at the time I was intrigued with this new innovation. So that being said that is what I will be comparing this too.

Firstly it is not silicone it self that is the real issue here, its the over processing that occurs in order to make it suitable for our daily use that poses a problem for me. Also you might want to ask yourself if it is safe then why are more companies in all areas, not just cosmetics, making changes to offer silicone free products???? Food for thought. I recently have been taking better notice of the ingredient listings on cosmetic labels. I also notice quite often they are hidden under a peel back label, that has ultra fine print that many of us would rather not bother reading. It startles me to think of the amount of ingredients not only in one product, but every product I lovingly pile on to my face. That's a ton of different ingredients all mixing into one beautiful chemical cocktail on our face no!

So Maybelline's claims are that Baby Skin instant pore eraser, gives an instant blurring effect to the pores, without clogging them. Smoothes and refines skin's appearance, non-comedogenic and fragrance free.

However one of my concerns with this product is how can you claim it non-comedogenic when you have an ingredient like
Propylene Glycol- which can be an irritant to the skin in some (not all) peoples cases, all though used in cosmetics for preserving purposes and to give slip.

So I have used baby skin several times since purchasing and I feel it definitely has similar slip to Smashbox photo ready, but thicker and seems more oily to me. There is no fragrance, but I do smell something that reminds me of non-scented candle wax. I did notice at about the two hour mark my t-zone was quite shiny and late into the day a couple of small pimples appearing around my nose. My skin is naturally very oily and sensitive, so that didn't really surprise me. I really have only been using this on my nose and cheek area very sparingly, which is the only area I have any noticeable pores. From a distance it would seem that it has a blurring effect, but up close I feel the pores are still very noticeable. So if your going out for a night where you will be in dim lighting or having photo's taken this might be a good option.

For myself personally when I was younger I liked using the Smashbox primer because I felt it helped smooth out the rough surface of my skin, but now I am not into it so much. I will use this once in while, however if I use it again and notice pimples appear there after I won't be picking it up at all, Also the reality is this is not a "must have" item in MY collection. Once it is gone I will not be repurchasing. Keep in mind some cosmetic items are better suited for people dependent on their age group as well, so when a 20 something on YouTube raves about its awesomeness it doesn't mean that a person like me at almost 40 or a woman in her late 50's is going to reap those same benefits. You must also pick your cosmetics based on the age of your skin as well.

We as the Bloggers and YouTuber's can only give you an overview and what is currently working for our own unique situation, but the final decision to try it all comes down to you, if you feel its worth your money. In the future when reading a blog or watching a YouTube beauty video ask your self "Is this persons skin anything remotely like mine?" if you answer no then maybe its best to leave the product alone and help eliminate compulsive buying.

I for one have oily, sensitive skin and am prone to break outs, so is a silicone based product good for me??? probably not, but the person who reads my post who has normal to dry skin may just find a new Holy Grail item.

I will say it is a good buy because your getting 20ml for $10 Cad or $7 U.S and you need very little and it will last a long time.





  1. I have no idea what happened Liz, but I read your comment and I came back to reply and its gone. I have no idea what the heck is going on with Google these days. Any way I am glad that it is working well for you because the price is right and not crazy expensive.

    1. Omgosh that's crazy! And I wanted to come back to read your reply so glad that you did get a chance to see my comment before it disappeared though! Definitely agree with you about the price is right! =D Thanks love! XOXO

  2. I am glad you posted on this. I have been seeing this and reaching for it and than stopping. I think it was the hype more than what it promised that made me want to try it and I am trying to STOP doing that to save money for things I really need. Good Review..:)

    1. Hey girl! long time no see. Hope your keeping well. Thanks for reading and leaving me a comment. I think the hype was very much a part of it. However its a product that works for some and not so much for others. I am happy my post helped.:)

  3. Good Review! I didn't like baby skin myself. I feel it's TOO oily for my skin. I love how to you talk about all things with this primer.

    xoxo Chelsey / thecreativebelle.blogspot.com

    1. Yes I read yours and felt the same. Thanks for reading and commenting and appreciating my stand point on this. I am happy for those it does work for, its just a poor fit for me, that's all. xo :)

  4. Aww man I just bought this the other day! Love your detailed reviews Betti! You are the best!!!!

    1. Yes I did see that you bought it. Maybe one of you will like it. Thanks for reading and commenting love. Xo:) I always want to be 100% honest when I review regardless if its good or bad.

  5. I'm so glad that I am not the only one that didn't like this product. It go so much hype and rave reviews and I just didn't like it. I def agree that it makes you more oily and my pores def weren't erased lol. Thanks for sharing your thoughts doll!

    1. I can honestly say I have seen more bad reviews then good ones about this product. I am sure the direction this will take the product over time. Thanks for reading and good to know your in the same boat. Xo

  6. Sounds good, but like you said it all depends on the person wearing it. If it only lasts 2 hours then its probably not worth it. Thanks for sharing this find :)

    1. I am happy for those that do find it works, but I am not into it. I haven't reached for it at all in the last. I wish Canadian stores would take makeup back because I hate having product sitting around that is useless to me. :)

  7. I love the product, it really helps minimise my pores, and makes my skin feel super smooth.



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