Sunday, November 15, 2015


It probably will come as no surprise what I am about to share. Makeup'Asylum transitioned to CanadianEcoMom near the end of August, but over the past three months I came to realize I have no desire to blog period anymore, nor do I have the time as personal life has gotten a heck of a lot busier since September.
So thank you to all those who were around since the beginning which was almost 4 years ago. I wish you all the best and after this post CanadianEcoMom will no longer be an active blog space.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015


What makes a good flip flop?                                        SENT FOR REVIEW

For me personally I want a flip flop that is comfortable to walk in literally all day and makes me look forward to putting them back on. The foot bed can NOT be EVA foam. If you want a flip flop that is going to last and not become warped and concave in the heel area steer clear of foam cheap-o flip flops. Everyone loves something that is cheap and almost close to free, but $1 flip flops like those offered at Old Navy or even a local Dollarama will not be doing your poor feet any justice. Don't get me wrong I am guilty of taking part in buying something because its so cheap, but you quickly see the difference and how fast the product breaks down.

I discovered Gurus online the thing that immediately caught my attention is the unique style and the nice range of colours. Gurus flip flops are based on the 5000-year-old Indian tradition which is the sandal called methiyedi (meth-ee-yed-ee) which was worn by Mahatma Gandhi Philosopher and leader of the Indian independence movement. Originally methiyedi were crafted from wood,

 but now a days you can get a pair like Gurus made in a more modern design and sustainably sourced from biodegradable rubber trees hand harvested from Gurus family farms. So every time you purchase a pair of Gurus they will plant a tree in its place.

I do love the concept of Gurus and I think they look so fun on the feet. The day they arrived I wore them right away and had a few people ask what they were and had said they were "cute". 

I think for me I may need a bigger size or even get the mens to accommodate my sausage feet

The foot bed is comfortable and absorbs a good amount of impact as your walking. I do see these being very practical for people who have maybe a more slender foot, which I don't. So because my feet are not only wider than the average woman, but also thicker I found the rubber button that sits between my toes was not completely comfortable the whole time I was walking.

 I do like the added feature of the strap across the top of the foot which adds to the flip flops stability. I found they stayed on my feet fine maybe because they are chunkier but have read some complaints of them slipping on some people's feet. 

Gurus are available for men, woman, and children PRICES RANGE FROM $30 U.S TO $40 CAD

CanadianEcoMom final thought - I think Gurus has a bright future ahead. In time I hope they will consider adding elements such as wide and slim fit for varying foot structure.


You can find Gurus on all social media platforms at +I Love Gurus 

Want to find out more about Gurus and where to get them in Canada? click HERE

For U.S. customers click HERE

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I am a creature of habit in some ways, not all. I like towels folded a certain way, labels to be facing out in the cupboards, objects to be in pairs, and routines to be consistent. This also applies to perfume once I find something I love, and works well with my body chemistry I usually stick with a product long term. This happens to be the case with Pacifica perfume. 

 A little over three years ago I noticed the Pacifica line being carried through my favourite online retailer (link in the sidebar) and opted to give it a try. Having been disappointed with fragrance in the past, I decided to start small instead of buying a full-size product. I ordered the Island Vanilla solid perfume, let's just say it was love at first whiff. This is a sweet yet rich Tahitian vanilla scent with honey dappled jasmine notes and a robust tea base all the things I love. I would say bar none this has become my signature scent which has taken me years to find. I also like the Indian coconut nectar as well, but still Island Vanilla remains #1. I often layer the two perfumes together. When you first spray Island Vanilla it hits you with that sweetness but as it dries down it turns into something warm, creamy, and not overwhelming.

Pacifica’s Island Vanilla Spray Perfumes contain natural denatured alcohol and Pacifica’s own fragrance blend with natural and essential oils including juniper, grapefruit, and heliotrope.  No parabens, animal testing, animal ingredients or artificial colors.  100% VEGAN and Gluten-free.

Pacifica is carried online and you can also check who is a stockist in your area

I would highly recommend this line of perfumes especially if you have allergies or irritations to synthetic fragrance. Since using this product I don't have any congestion in my nose or eye twitching like I have with other perfume. I really hope that Pacifica never changes the formulation of this scent because it's perfect just the way it is.

In time I would like to try some other perfumes in the collection which has a range of 18 different scents. The average price here in Canada is between $25-30 for a 30ml bottle and about $10 for the solid perfume which is 10g. The current bottle I have I use every day and has lasted me 2 months, and I am only now starting to run out. 

For every Island Vanilla sold a portion of sales proceeds go to the Ocean Future Society which is a non-profit marine conservation group.

CanadianEcoMom Final thought- I find perfume purchasing a highly personal thing so unless you know a friend or family member likes a certain scent for sure, or they have made mention of one in conversation please refrain from buying it for others. I find people often buy something because they see a gift set on sale or even regift it, and why is that? because the person would not have chosen that scent in the first place. 

I hope you found this post helpful and will be on the look out for Pacifica near you

Tuesday, September 8, 2015



Today I have a good friend of mine fitness enthusiast/motivational speaker Krystle Brideau doing a special post regarding health and fitness. Krystle will be contributing to CanadianEcoMom in the coming weeks to help you start living a healthier lifestyle with simple baby steps designed to help all who are interested in change. I hope you will feel inspired to start making small changes for a happier more energetic you.
Be sure to follow Krystle on Instagram @Motiv8orv as well as reach out to her on Facebook- Krystle Brideau 

  • My body isn't capable.....
  • I don't have enough time...
  • I can't afford a gym membership...
  • I'm just not motivated....
  • I love food too much....

Does any of that sound familiar? Do you have excuses piling up as to why you can't get yourself into shape? Well luckily, you're not alone. In fact, it's very common for people to convince themselves that they can't make fitness a part of their lifestyle and 9 times out of 10, they're wrong! If this sounds like it could be you, let us re-evaluate these excuses shall we?

First and foremost, I want to address that anyone starting out a new fitness regime should consult a Dr. and be given the go ahead for exercise, especially if you have existing health conditions, or you are over the age of 45. Better safe than sorry!


1 - My body isn't capable

Believe it or not, you can achieve flexibility even as an adult! I know, it sounds crazy, right? It's very important that every day (especially before and after a workout) you take 2-5 minutes to stretch.  By stretching, I don't mean contorting yourself into a pretzel, or standing on the tip of your big toe with your other leg behind your head. I just mean simple basic stretches to get the blood flowing and activate your muscles to let them know they're still functioning.  Better flexibility will improve your performance while engaging in physical activity, and it can significantly decrease your risk for injuries.  If you stay consistent with this, you will feel the difference and not only that but it makes you feel good! Who doesn't like to feel good?

Starting out slow and building up your endurance is very important.  Jumping right into a routine after living a sedentary lifestyle is looking for trouble.  You end up discouraged because you have trouble keeping up, you aren't strong enough to go through the moves and everything seems impossible, your muscles end up sore and you feel like roadkill so you end up throwing in the towel. The reality is, you are going to feel ALL of those things at first.  The good news is, letting them get to you is optional.  Start slow and listen to your body.  It's going to be hard if it was easy everybody would be walking around shredded and obesity would not be an issue.  It takes as much mental strength as it does physical strength to maintain this lifestyle. So get it into your head that you WANT this and commit to doing whatever it takes to overcome your obstacles.  Consistency + Determination = Accomplishments

2 - I don't have enough time

There are absolutely not enough minutes in the day, but you can't let a busy lifestyle get in the way of your goals.  A 1-hour workout is only 4% of your day. The average Canadian spends approximately 2.5 hours a day either on social media, browsing the web, playing games, or watching videos. It's not that people don't have enough time, it's that they aren't prioritizing their time efficiently. Sit down and make a list of your daily tasks. What time are you waking up? What are your work hours? Do you have a set bedtime? Find a time slot that you can commit yourself to 30 minutes 5 days a week. Logging your activities let you visually track your progress. Obviously there will be times when something comes up unexpectedly, such is life, we deal with it, and we get back on track!

3 - I can't afford a gym membership

I would really like to know when it became mandatory that all exercise must be completed in a fitness facility. Oh wait, that's right! It hasn't!  So why is everyone claiming it's a barrier between them and being in shape? Because it's an easy excuse!  Body weight exercises are very efficient at not only burning calories and torching fat, but also at toning muscle. They can be done indoors, outdoors, and you can make it more challenging by using everyday household items to add weight, bottles of water, cans of soup, using children works wonders! Get creative!  Taking a walk, going for a jog, or a hike, dancing to your favorite songs. All FREE. All great for your cardiovascular health.

A few free apps I would recommend to somebody just getting started are:

Workout Trainer - Large database compiled of ready to use workouts.  You choose the difficulty, length, type of exercise and then click play. There is also access to an online community, where people share tips, make challenges, and keep each other motivated.

Nike + Running - A  tracking app that calculates how far and how fast you run/walk/jog.  Turning on GPS to track your exact route is optional.

4 - I'm just not motivated

This is a tough one, because unfortunately you can't force someone to do something they don't want to do. You need to set goals, write them down and put them somewhere that you will see them every single day.  Being able to see them will keep it fresh in your mind so you can't use the excuse "I forgot today."

Take a before picture.

I can't stress this enough.  You don't have to show people, but you will want it for yourself. Trust me on this one.  This is where you are going to find a lot of your motivation.  As you progress weekly/monthly, continue to take pictures similar to the infamous before picture you originally took. The moment you compare two side by side photo's and see a difference this will hopefully motivate you to continue down the path to a healthier  lifestyle.  What better motivation is there than seeing your own progress? Sure it's impressive to see progress pictures of John Doe who lost 200lbs, its great and inspiring! But how awesome is it when you look at your OWN pictures, and see that you've lost 6 inches, that your clothes are fitting better, that you can see muscle definition, or that your skin is tightening up? Be your own motivation!

If that still doesn't give you the extra push you need, you can turn to social media. There are thousands of fitness guru's out there sharing their journeys in hopes of inspiring others.  If you're somewhat tech savvy, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and YouTube are great sources for motivation and again it's free.  Using hashtags and keywords to search makes life so much easier.

#fitness  #exercise  #workout  #weightloss  #motivation  #fitspo

5 - I love food too much

Would you go to the gas station, and fill your gas tank up with windshield washer fluid?  Probably not, because it wouldn't be good for it, and it wouldn't work.  Very similar to humans and food. In order for you body to function at its full potential, it needs to be fueled accordingly.  When you're feeding yourself empty calories you're essentially doing more harm than good.

It's important to get the nutrients you need by eating whole, non-processed food. Fruits, vegetables, and protein are a good place to start.  A good trick to keep in mind when you do your grocery shopping is to stay out of the center aisles!  Try to keep your shopping in the outside aisles, where they keep the produce, dairy, and meats. Keep in mind, the price of a box of cookies or bag of chips is similar to the price of a fruit or vegetable on sale!

Trading margarine for butter, Cooking sprays for virgin olive oil or coconut oil, sodas for water, regular salt to sea salt.  These are all things most people use daily and are very simple to substitute. People tend to struggle with the nutritional aspect of getting fit because they feel overwhelmed with information. Don't over think things, this really isn't rocket science. With the simplicity the internet provides us, finding healthy recipes online is no harder than walking a dog (which, might I add, is a great form of exercise!)

A good website or app to use if you're interested in knowing the nutritional value of your food consumption, or care to know your daily calorie intake:

My Fitness pal - Log your food, track your calories and set goals

With all the latest diet trends and magic weight-loss potions being promoted by the media and big name celebrities, it's very easy to be persuaded by one of these quick fixes. Although some of them may give you results, they won't be permanent and are certainly not sustainable. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, and get that body moving. It's really that simple.

I want to thank Krystle for being a part of CanadianEcoMom and stay tuned because she will be back with another fitness post soon. 

CanadianEcoMom Final thought- As I am getting older I find I am struggling with my weight I take full responsibility for that. I know that I am the only one who has the power to change It. I do have medical limitations, but there are still things I can do like walking, swimming, and cycling which is something I recently have taken up doing again. Anyone can workout within their limitations. Doing something is better than nothing at all. It truly does take time and determination to get to that sweet spot. I heard Gillian Michaels say this once and it stuck in my head forever "Get comfortable with being uncomfortable" because no one ever said a workout was easy hence why it's called a WORKout.

If you would like to contribute a specialty post please feel free to email me at I have many different modules that I am slowly rolling out and I am always looking for new writers especially mommy bloggers and like-minded individuals.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015



Just a quick message

As with any big changes come minor bumps in the road. Please be aware that if accessing my blog you will no longer find it at betti2boot.blogspot it is NOW available through other wise you will not see current, past or future posts. Please make sure to make necessary changes so we can still connect. I have some new concepts lined up for CanadianEcoMom so I am looking forward to sharing with you all existing readers as well as a new audience. Stay tuned.....

You can also follow me on social media just click the links below

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


I am transitioning many of our household products to more eco-friendly options that are also safe for my family. However anything considered "GREEN" ends up costing you more of your hard earned green. So I try to find products that are not only better, but also offer a good quantity for the price. 

I have been going to my nearest health food grocery store and they carry absolutely everything. However not everything is what I would consider budget friendly, so I try to be selective when choosing new items to try.

For the past two months we have been using EO (EVERYONE) shower gel that is from the children's range of products, but we all like the smell, so hey! why not. It has a delicious blend of orange, coconut and pineapple. A perfect fit for those who love all things tropical hence the name "Tropical Coconut Twist." Also it cleans well both hair and body, rinses off easily and the lather and bubbles are fantastic. Also does not irritate our skin which has been a huge problem for us with more main stream products.

I have seen EO products many times and I think the big selling point for me is the size of the bottle. You get a whopping 960ml/32 fl oz for $11.99 CAD, which works out to be around .80 per ml. 
The other benefit with this product is that you can wash your hair and body with it as well as making a fun bubble bath for your child/children. A truly multi-purpose product for the whole family and the quantity to match.

For those of you looking to make the change to safer products for you and your family give the EO Tropical Coconut Twist a try. Here are the top reasons why

Gluten FreePCR PackagingCruelty FreeB Corp Free from Synthetic FragrancesNON GMO Verified

Also available in the children's line is Orange Squeeze & Lullabye Lavender

EO products can be found at many retailers and specialty shops across Ontario

Check out EO's full range of products by clicking on the logo below and for location information

EO Products


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Makeup'Asylum is transitioning to CanadianEcoMom

After taking much time this summer and several other small breaks in the past three and a half years has given me a lot to think about. That being said I realize that it's not the blogging I dislike it's always been about my content. I want to come on to my blog and focus on lots of different things that interest me and will help reach many different audiences. Talking about the 90th shade of nude lipstick has literally lost its "Lustre" for me. I just want to talk about what makes me happy. Products I love, hate and NOT limited to makeup only. So Makeup'Asylum has now been laid to rest and I am happy to announce my new space here on blogger CanadianEcoMom. I will have a range of topics covered here on my blog and offering up info on products that are not only safe for you, but your family and the environment too. It's going to be a slow process as I am just beginning to transition my home into a more eco-minded space.Some things I have been doing for years and don't find them at all to be NEW solutions to helping the environment and being deemed safe. To me it's just common sense really. There are times not everyone will agree with my points of view and that is fine, but lets realize "We can agree to disagree" and end it at that. I hope you will all enjoy what is yet to come from this new journey and stick around for relateable content that EVERYONE can enjoy.
Here is my new logo for CanadianEcoMom which you can also find me on Instagram to.