Sunday, September 29, 2013

A time and place for everything

Dear friends and readers,

There are times in our life when we must make a choice and even if that choice isn't easy it has to be done, it's called priority.
I have been considering this for a while and now I realize it's time to step down with Makeup'Asylum and regroup. I came into blogging as it being just a hobby, but with time it has become more of a strain.
When you as the reader come in to this you don't see the struggle on the other side of the computer, your only getting to see little high lights of a persons life. You are only reading the words about products that they choose to share with the world, all the while knowing very little about them as a person and the sacrifice they have been going through in order to accomplish a goal that has really gone no where in the six months they have been doing this. I feel that I truly have not found my niche and I do hope others heed my advice do NOT start blogging about anything unless you know it is your long term goal and that you can financially support whatever topic you plan on covering.
I really appreciate some of the beautiful people I have met through networking and I am forever grateful.
I will still occasionally post some thing here and there, but I will no longer be over extending myself trying to meet the demands of the beauty blogger world . I will not be tweeting or Instagraming any longer.
The contest I was holding was going no where so that's a bust and will not be happening.

I  thank you to any of you who were ever there from day 1 and  have continued to read.

Sending  happiness  and hugs to all of you
betti2boot of Makeup'Asylum

Take Care


  1. Aww man you just made me cry!!!! :(
    I'm happy for you on one hand because I TOTALLY understand where your coming from. But geez I'm gonna miss you and your positive inspiration! Please stay in touch! I'm going to DM you my phone number on Twitter. So if you can text, would love to stay in touch! You have a special place in my heart now. And I can't let u go.....

    1. I am glad to see there is a handful of you that care enough to reach out to me. If nothing else I am glad to have stumbled into your lives and made a few good connections. 20/30 Glam I wish you girls much success and yes anytime you can email me at You know I will answer.

    2. We know u will! Good luck with any new ventures u decide to take!!!

  2. OMG Nooooooooooooo!!!!!! Dude! You can't go :((
    I'm going to DM my phone number to you. I'm gonna miss you! I understand where you're coming from though. It's definitely something that you have to be absolutely dedicated to. <3 you girl. Please stay in touch!

    1. Ashley you know your my girl and anytime you want to message me you can at might have been a different adventure for me some 10 years ago when a lot of my time was my own and I didn't have commitments to family life and everything in between. xo Talk to you soon.

  3. My heart is breaking! Please don't leave us. no one is going to understand my dry humor! I wish you would stay, but if you must go please do keep in touch. you have my email. I hope we can still be friends beyond the blogging. Hugs to you my friend :(

    1. Laurie,
      I'm glad I am not the only one with obscure or dry humour;) Happy to know you. I don't give up on the people who stick by me. Email me anytime at
      I knew the minute I watched you on YouTube that your heart is genuine:) BIG HUGS beautiful xo

  4. Oh no! So sad to see you leave! I wish you could stay and continue with your passion, but you have to do what's best for you.

    Best wishes and hugs!

    Lily |

    1. Thank you very much Liliana.
      I have a lot of passions in life and some of them take precedents even over makeup;) Its been a pleasure tweeting, sharing and blogging with you.
      All the best to you as well.


  5. SAY WHAT?!? I just met you here! And also you just have a new awesome background pic on your blog so it is impossible to leave us hanging here! Also we still have to get you on youtube! LOL! No kidding: do not go!

    1. You can email me anytime and appreciate all the kind messages from those of you who have taken the time to do so. Just remember I am only a message away. :)

  6. I feel so awful and am heartbroken right now... When you dm me on Twitter, I didn't know that it was because you were planning to separate from us until now! I'm going to miss you tremendously Bonnie. You always put a smile on my face and every time we talk, I feel this growing warmth in my heart. You're such a beautiful person with a big heart. I'll never forget you!!! Please come by and visit me when you can =) I'm always here for you babe!!! Love you beautiful!!!! =*( xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

    1. Thank you so very much Liz. In the short time I have been doing this you few girls I have encountered have brought me a lot of happiness and have been extremely supportive. Like I mentioned to everyone else I am only an email away if you want to chat, ask any questions about parenting;P (who knows maybe I will start an advice blog instead) I'm better at helping others then helping my self lol. I appreciate your loving and kind words. xo

    2. I am so happy to know that we bring joy and happiness to you with our craziness! =D Oh yes girl, I've got you in my Contacts on my phone! This is why I love you so much is because I can see how much of a caring person you are!!! I'm always here for you too when you need me, just holla at yo girlllll!!! lol! =D xoxoxoxo

  7. You will be missed Betti Boot. Good luck with everything and when you do post I'll be here reading. Xxx

    Carly's Beauty World

    1. Thank you dear Carly for your support and joining me along my journey. Who knows what the future holds??? Till then stay beautiful;)

  8. Oh no! I am so sad that you are leaving. I know that we were just getting to know each other but I can say I honestly looked forward to your tweets and posts. I had been MIA a lot lately so when I went to add you on my #FF that I posted yesterday I was wondering why in the heck I couldn't find you. I have been catching up on my blog reading today and I am so sad to see this. You are so funny and I really enjoyed talking with you. I understand how you feel though and I have been where you are. I needed a break and I came back with my niche and passion back. Maybe a lifestyle blog would work for you so you can still post about beauty but it not be your main focus. It does get really expensive. I hope to see you back soon girl!

  9. Hey, BB,
    I've enjoyed so much our fun exchanges on twitter and I will miss your blog presence. I totally understand the desire to move on from blogging so I send you tons of support.

    1. Hey Belly,

      Thanks for sending me this message. In the very begins of my blogging you were one of the very first people I followed because I always appreciated your candid reviews and real life manor in which you approach the topic of beauty. Thanks for sharing in this time with me, it's been a pleasure sharing blog space with you.
      I will still be reading your posts;)


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