Thursday, September 26, 2013



Today let's get it out on the table my thoughts on the L'Oreal Youth Code, youth rejuvenating skincare, foaming gel cleanser (First off, way to long of a name)

First lets see what is says on the bottle,

"For luminous, smooth, younger looking skin and it's oil free"
"Removes impurities & gently exfoliates"

"This foaming gel cleanser gently exfoliates and removes impurities down to every last trace of eye makeup, without overdrying. Skin will become luminous, smooth and younger looking with continued use."

So I want to start by saying that it has only been almost just two week since I started using this product, so obviously results will vary from person to person and depending on how long you use the product. I am sure with a much longer use results maybe better for some.

I love the packaging for the Youth Code line and the cleanser it self is a nice thick gel that foams up wonderfully. I have to say the scent of this face wash is really nice, but this I think is where my problem starts. I have very sensitive skin especially to fragrance in facial products, so even if my skin looks a little more luminous it doesn't change that fact that the scent is making me break out, especially on my nose. I have noticed I have been getting white heads since using this product. I normally don't get white heads on my nose, that for me is a rarity now that I am older.

I can't say that this face wash alone has turned back time on my face. I would also like to point out that the bottle states you should follow a regimen, which in return means buying four other Youth Code products. So I guess unless you are willing to fork out the dough for all those products (Which I am not) to see if using them in conjunction together really gives outstanding results, I personally will never know if the claims hold true.

I do find this face wash does a nice job getting my foundation off, but I would definitely say it does NOT remove every trace of eye makeup.

I was extremely hopeful that this product would be something I would be repurchasing in the future, but sadly I will not. I love a lot of other L'Oreal products ranging from hair care, makeup to nail polish, but if something makes me break out forget it, that is part of my "YOUTH" I do not care to relive.

I really wish companies would realize that not everyone can tolerate beautiful smelling fragrance in facial care and still bring out quality products with out all the scent. I guess what I am saying is it probably would have continued to provide lovely results other wise, what a shame.

Just remember this is my experience with this product and yours might be a whole lot better, so go to the store take a smell, check it out! you may love it and it's results for you personally.

You get 236ml for $16 available at most retailers
come back soon to Makeup'Asylum


  1. Thanks for your thoughts on this love! I dislike having scented products put on my face UNLESS it's the product's natural scent (ex. my grape seed moisturizer, smells like sweet grapes hehe). Adding a scent to a product is just adding more chemicals to it which I am not a fan of. I've noticed my face has gotten more sensitive as I'm getting older (*sniff* LOL).

    I laughed when you said "if something makes me break out forget it, that is part of my "YOUTH" I do not care to relive" because I shudder when I think of those days *smh*

    I've come to noticed that certain Loreal products are a hit and miss! Sad because I really love the brand and I guess maybe because I love the brand so much, I set high expectations for it? Oh well. It's all about trial and error in this beauty-ful world! xoxo

    1. I love it that you liked my joke about my youth lol;) Yes I agree when you love a company you do develop high expectations no doubt. I am extremely nit picky about details and quality of products, that's why I refer to myself as a cosmetic critique first, before bblogger;P I am the person who is going to ruffles these companies feathers a bit. lol

  2. Girl those break out days from my preteens is a part of youth I don't want back either LOL. I am really wanting to try the Youth code texture cream and toner. It is really expensive though so I have been trying to hold off but I think it is something I am going to end up picking up. Great review


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