Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Today I am happy to share with you all a parfum line that I have fallen in love with. Its designed by Margot Elena.

Margot Elena has been inspired by beauty and art from a very young age growing up amongst parents who were a classically trained musician and a fine artist. So it was just matter of time before Margot's own creativity would bloom. Now flash forward to present day and Margot has not one line of fragrance but four which you can check out each one here


Margot Elena is a niche market that creates small batches of beautifully crafted products and satisfying a specific market of interest, in this case parfum.

Lets get to the review of the Tokyo-Milk Dark Parfum #28 called EXCESS

The bottles to this parfum line are amazing and definitely befitting to my character. I love the solid matte black glass bottle and the simple yet effective white graphics

The gun metal cap is also sleek and adds to the edginess of this "Dark" line

The packing I give a 10/10. I have heard other reviews about people having issues with the atomizer, but since I have started using it I haven't faced any problems. I think this product looks high end and certainly is eye catching because it's quite unique.
The notes that make up EXCESS are as follows
Amber Resin, Blood Orange, Oak Bark and Patchouli
The thing that makes this fragrance line even more appealing is that its suitable for men or women. However I have read that some scents lean more feminine so it's just a matter of smelling them before buying.
I on the other hand did a blind buy with this parfum never having smelled it. I know that is dangerous in the world of fragrance, but often times then not I can read what the scent notes are and will know from that if I will love it or hate it. I think I have only bought 2 failed parfumes in the past couple of years working off this method. I have a very acute sense of smell that in some cases can be a gift and a curse.
I would say EXCESS does tend to be a spicy warm scent that takes on a rather masculine tone. I love this as I am not a floral flight of fancy type girl, so this works well for me and my overall body chemistry, which plays a pivotal role in parfum purchasing. I feel I really smell a burst of the blood orange on first spray and then it immediately starts to warm up and take on the amber resin and oak bark. As it melds with the oils in my skin and on dry down I get a mild scent of Patchouli, which I am a huge fan of because its very earthy, but I know that this is a scent you either love or hate.  
Don't get me wrong I love gourmand scents like vanilla, cake, apples and coconut, but if its to much then it gives me a head ache. Often times I feel that Bath & Body works can be enjoyable in small doses, but even that starts to remind me of scents associated with teenage girls who want to smell oozy sweet for the boys at school.
I think parfum is a very personal purchase and there for I don't like anyone to buy it for me unless I specify exactly what I want. I think it's more important to take your time, spend the money and get a quality product then just any old thing for the sake of spraying on a smell.
That's why I probably have one of the smallest parfum collections known to woman because I tend to be extremely selective in this area.
Mind you I think that will be changing now that I have hit on Tokyo-Milk. These scents to me say "Mature, but not old lady, sexy, mysterious, desire, sensual, intriguing, curious"
I also like that the main notes of the parfum are clearly marked on the bottle so that you can let someone else know if they are interested in what your wearing.
There are 7 other scents in this line which are
                                          Arsenic (This is my next purchase)
Everything & Nothing
La Vie La Mort
Tainted Love 
The best part is you are getting 47.3ml of eau de PARFUM, not eau de toilette and its extremely reasonably priced at $36/$38 Cad a bottle
I can't wait to experience my next bottle of Tokyo-Milk Dark and hope that you all take the journey one day to in finding your perfect dark scent;)
Hope you all enjoyed this in depth review on EXCESS from Tokyo-Milk
You can check out lots more at the website
Thank you for continued support to Makeup'Asylum and come back often



  1. I'm so happy you finally got a review up on this lovely thing! The packaging is very nice and sleek, looks very high end indeed because of the uniqueness! I wish I can be as good as you are when it comes to describing scents, because my brain goes blank when it comes to describing things so detailed and accurate!

    I am right with you my love, as much as I like Bath and Body Works, I can only take the whole entire store in tiny doses. The scents get overwhelming and I have to walk out of the store in less than 5 minutes. (YEP, perfume counters and even perfume stores such as Perfumania I can't put up with).

    HEHE, I am guilty for being one of those girls who sprayed myself crazy to smell sweet when I was in school.

    OMG I am the exact same way! I only have ONE full size perfume and one rollerball in my purse. If I am wanting to switch to something new from my daily perfume scent, I would use my little sample sprays I get from my online orders. Those little sample size sprays are perfect to
    use =D

    Sorry for my novel comments! I just get too excited over things and can ramble on (of course you know that by now! hehe)

    Thank you for sharing this with us my love! XOXO

    1. You totally made me laugh with your closing comment;) You know I appreciate talking and enthusiasm. I feel this is what blogging is all about. Get in there comment, chit chat and enjoy. Thank you my darling for always been there for me

    2. I am happy to have given you a good laugh =) That's what I am here for! To spread lots of sunshine, glitter, star dusts, and vibrant shimmery pigments your way <333333

  2. This sounds lovely. You do a great job of describing scents. I don't think I could do that well. I have never heard of this line but I am intrigued. I agree that scents are very personal choice and I am not sure I would want people picking out smells for me. Thank you so much for sharing this. (◕‿◕✿)

    1. Thank you ever so much to both yourself and Liz. I love when I know that I have done what I set out to accomplish. I love to write and be very detailed especially about something like fragrance. Glad that we have been more actively involved lately:)


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