Wednesday, October 2, 2013


When you come in to blogging you think your just going to be a number in the thousands of other numbers of bloggers, who may or may not ever get noticed.
However even if it's only a handful of people that you captivate and bring into your circle that still counts for something.
The few lovely ladies I have recently connected with and have built a very awesome foundation with makes me believe that even if my numbers are not within the hundreds of thousands, or millions, my words have meant something to someone.
I want those of you that do follow to understand that I still will post blog spots just not as often. I am being very raw and honest in this moment as I always have been, but this time it's deeper.

I am not the richest person around, I don't have an over abundance of time to completely dedicate to blogging, but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy it.
However there is a competitive air to the blogging world, just with most anything in life. What I mean is, who is going to review the newest and most luxe products next, who has the biggest hauls, who bought the most of one given product, sometimes I even see certain people on YouTube that have that way of "check me out, I'm so much better then the average person." I don't find that real or appealing.
You know what! its fine to work hard, accomplish a goal and be proud of it and yeah being in the limelight at times must have its perks, benefits and feel totally awesome, but don't allow that to rule you as the person you once were or mould you in to the arrogant person that your clearly becoming.

I like to blog about makeup because it fills the few hours of my day that are mine and mine alone. I am a wife, a mother and a hard worker in all that I do. I don't take one single moment of life or the people I encounter, no matter how brief, for granted. I have died before and appreciate the smallest details in life that most often are taken for granted. I am grateful to be alive and be here to have become someones friend, lover and mother and someday a grandmother, maybe even a great grandmother??
I am a deeply passionate person, I have a heart that is on fire. I love like no other love, but I also loath people that take advantage of my good nature. I have so many ideas as I tend to be overly creative and feel there is not enough time in one day to accomplish all the things that skip through my mind.

I am a person that always puts myself last and I never want anything from anyone except the people that matter to me most to feel secure and know they are truly loved.
I am hugely giving and even when my own hardships seem unbearable I will still try to do what I can for those around me. I would give the shirt off my back to make someone else warm, if it meant I had to freeze.

So to sum this up, I am still here, but just remember some of us don't always have money to buy something every other day or post about items that are not within ones budget. Of course I would love to buy some high end stuff once in a while, but if you can't, you can't. I have been fortunate enough to receive some items for review and I am thankful for making those few connections and don't want to pass up those opportunities.

The whole point of blogging to me any way was to share with you all just a passion. A passion for colour, a passion for art, a passion for beauty and beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colour and ethnicity. I will always accept a request to add a person and never snub someone because they are new or haven't been at it as long. I see it that everyone has something to share and I for one love reading how one simple lipstick colour can be received by several different people. I have learnt a lot of neat tips and tricks just reading some of your blogs or watching YouTube.

The only thing I do not tolerate is phoniness. So if you appreciate my truth, my views and the rawness that makes me, me! Then sit your ASS back down and hang in there because I got more coming it just takes time. There is power in numbers and my girls on here made me realize I can't give up on them or myself because that is not in my nature to quit;)



  1. Whoop whoop babe!!!! Love it!!!! See this is why you can't leave. We need you here to tell it like it is! You're an amazing person and we are definitely October Twins because I am the exact same way that you described. I definitely understand where you're coming from and I don't blame you. Love you girl. It's good to know that you're hanging in there with us. <3

  2. You are so right my love! Thank you for being so honest! We just have to sit back and reflect on why we are doing this to begin with. Whatever the reason may be, just don't forget where you came from, and who you are before you started doing this. Before I ramble on any more, I'm going to just say that everything you said is right on point and word for word is the honest truth!

    I am so so happy to know that you will still be on here from time to time. My heart isn't sooooo broken anymore! I love you so much and please know that WE (you know who WE are) are always here for you and will be rooting you on. <33333

    (Note: No one will understand my SB addiction like you do! =D)

    I love you dearly and can't say it enough!

  3. P.S. I'm SOOOooOOOO loving the witch picture!!! You did an amazing job!!! =D

  4. I am very happy to hear that you will continue to post...I hope you find all the happiness that you and your family deserve. And always remember that money may buy fancy makeup but it can't buy happiness and it most certainly can't buy health...And that is what Truly matters in Life....:)

  5. Very well put
    Glad to see you sticking around
    We need more people like you

  6. Honestly all of you just gave me a tear. I am truly humbled to know that your here and sticking by me. I appreciate all your kind words and even seeing some new faces. I always want people to feel welcome here and just know that I will always try my best to answer your questions so you always know I do HEAR you and I am reading your comments. Tons of love and respect for you all:)<3<3


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