Saturday, February 1, 2014


Hello blogger beauties,

 I am grateful to have been nominated for the Liebster award by Chelsey from The Creative Belle Thank you its much appreciated. If you don't know what this award is about, it was created to support beginning bloggers & give them the credit and recognition they deserve. I am happy to take part and reach out to other bloggers I feel need to be seen and heard from more often.

1. Give credit to who nominated you.
2. Answer the questions they gave you.
3. Nominate 9 bloggers who have 200 followers or less.
4. Come up with your own 11 questions for them.
5. Let them know you nominated them.

Now here are the Q & A's from Miss Chelsey
1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Meeting new people, I seem to do better at socializing on line, rather then in person.
2. Why did you start your blog?
To be able to talk about something that I was passionate about which is the cosmetic industry, and also give me something that was just for me outside of my other responsibilities.
3. Who are some of your favorite bloggers?
I really like Bellyhead over at Wondegondigo her writing style really pulls me in, she doesn't even need to talk about makeup, it can be anything. I would love to see her write a book one day. However the makeup items she does review are often highend and simply gorgeous. I think I like to live vicariously through Bellyheads makeup obsession because its things that I am not in a position to buy, but I still want to experience the moment of beauty right along with her.
Liz from My Pretty Obsessions The items that Liz does review are quality and she offers very clear concise opinions about those products which will either lead you to purchase or at least consider doing so.  
20/30 Glam, This duo does YouTube and a blog and I like that they keep it real there is no B.S. with these two, what ya see is what ya get. I like their budget friendly purchases and they just are genuinely nice gals. Don't forget to see Julie's adorable Dax its her fur baby and he is the sweetest little smidge.
Leigh-Ann over at Blushing Beauty is a blogger who offers up Diy's, makeup looks, monthly favourites, product reviews and much more and has a unique approach to beauty. Also she has a separate passion which is making beautiful cards for all occasions. I was fortunate enough to receive one from her for Christmas and I feel she has a real eye for this craft.
Shalunya at Shalunya & Boyet is a fierce shopper who will keep you in the loop for awesome deals she scores and providing reviews that are clear and easy to understand and she doesn't cut any corners. She also provides other bloggers with helpful information on how to build a better blog and getting it working to its full potential.
4. Favorite color?
Army Green and black:/
5. Would you rather be able to sing or be able to dance?
Lucky for me I can do both, but if I only could choose one it would be dancing, that was a passion of mine for many years till I had a terrible accident that almost cost me my life, so my dancing got taken off track.
6. Favorite type of music, & why?
I am a very lyrical person, yes I like good beats for dancing, but if I am just sitting around I like songs that are thought provoking. I tend to like the underdog music.
7. Who is your inspiration?
My son is my inspiration because he allows me to just be myself and he challenges me on a daily basis to look at things differently. I am a better version of me now that I have him
8. Favorite makeup item, & why?
My physicians formula bb cream because without that there is nothing
9. Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?
Fall- I prefer the cooler weather (NOT FREEZING) and I like that I can wear a light jacket and feel cozy. Also all the themes to do with Fall are my favourites. Baking, smells, sights, the works.
10. Best vacation?
Bahahaha vacation what is that???? Do you catch my drift!
11. What is your favorite quote? 
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." -Winston Churchill

Now on to my nominees!

4. Shalunya Shalunya & Boyet
5. Julie & Ashley 20/30 Glam
7. Meaghan XOXO Meaghan
My Questions for you ladies

1. What was your first makeup item you ever purchased???
2. What was your first high end purchase???
3. Do you feel social media influences most of your buying decisions???
4. What is your favourite food??
5. You can only pack 5 makeup items what are they?
6. Do you have any pets???
7. Who is your favourite designers if any??? or a brand if you prefer.
8. Do you truly believe there is a red lipstick for everyone???
9. Halloween, Christmas, Valentines or Birthday's and why???
10. What do you feel is a drawback in the blog world???
11. If you could have a dream date with any celebrity who would you choose and why??

I hope you enjoyed all my answers! If I didn't tag you & you would like to answer my questions feel free to do so! & let me know that you did! :)

Thanks to all who read and continue to support Makeup'Asylum
Thank you again Chelsey :) xo


  1. yay! so glad you did this! I enjoyed your answers! Black is one of my favorite colors too :) & I LOVE your quote, so true!

    xoxo Chelsey

    1. Thanks my friend, glad your apart of this growing blogger family:) xo

  2. Thank you so very much for your sweet words, doll. I believe that I'm a better blogger because of you and my other blogger friends. Y'all push me to write better and do better. I am blessed to know you and many others. I absolutely adore you and your blog. I understand exactly what you mean about your son. Mine is 24 now and he is a large reason that I am who I am. I have not tried the PF BB I'd heard mixed reviews but now that I know you love it I will definitely have to give it a go.

    1. Your very welcome my dear, and thank you as well for the compliments. I always appreciate your feed back. I would not have imagined you have a 24 year old child, lookin good lady;) I just love the bb it gives a nice finish and makes the skin look dewy in a good way.

  3. Thanks for your kind words girlie!!!! My fave color is black too. (And turquoise) and i love to sing and dance as well. No wonder I like u so much. I just knew we were kindred spirits!!!! :)

    1. I too love Turquoise especially real turquoise jewellery. Trust me my friend the feeling is mutual. Thanks for checking this post out:) xo
      Sending snuggles to little Dax

  4. Thank you for the nomination and for your kindest words. I really appreciate you and your thoughts very much my dearest! Your favorite quote is very empowering and don't mind me if you see me tweeting it! That quote really stuck to me now after reading it. Hope you're enjoying your Sunday my sweets! xoxo

  5. Awwww Thanks Sweetie for the Kind Words I am Truly Honored
    To have a Friend Like You. and I Totally Love Black and Love to Dance Even if Im Not good at It LOL


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