Sunday, July 20, 2014


So as most have you have probably noticed I have not posted in quite a while. I have been taking some time to spend with my family and rethink the direction in which I want Makeup'Asylum to take over time. If your curious what makeup and products I have been trying, hating or loving, feel free to check out my Instagram as I have been posting most goodies there as of late. However I have been shifting my interest back to an old love affair which is cooking. I am self taught and have been cooking since I was 10. I use to religiously watch the Food Network and have read some 20 cook books or more. I have always been super passionate about the art of cooking and creating flavours that people will love and remember. I feel that food is a universal language and everyone can appreciate something about it, be it a taste, smell, the way food looks when it's lovingly platted, and it surely is the one thing that brings family together.

So I posted this pic on my Instagram a few days ago and had several people interested in knowing my version of this yummy no bake protein ball recipe.

So enough jabber, lets get on it

Things you are going to need are

Measuring cups

Measuring spoons

A deep bowl

Wooden spoon and spatula or if you have one a food processor

To make your protein balls you are going to either put in the bowl or directly into a food processor the following ingredients

  • 1 cup of old fashioned long cooking oats (I used Bob's Red Mill)

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut (You can use it as is or toast the coconut on the stove top which is how I do it because you can stir it often and keep a better on it browning) Again I used Bob's Red Mill

  • 1/2 cup of peanut butter, you can use regular Kraft if you prefer or a raw organic PB if you want to keep it as natural as possible and lower in sugar. I used MaraNatha organic peanut butter

  • 1/2 cup of dark chocolate chips or regular (but keep in mind all the extra sugar) or cacao nibs is a good substitute

  • 1/4 cup of 100% Pure Maple syrup preferably organic if you can find it near you. I use Irresistibles Bio Organic 100% pure maple syrup no.1 light, you can use what you want, just make sure it's real. This brand can be found at Metro and Food Basic's stores throughout Canada.

  • 1 tbsp of carob powder this is optional, but I find it adds more depth of flavour to the overall recipe I used Bob's Red Mill

  • 1 tsp of Vanilla extract which I used Market Pantry pure vanilla extract from Target, however I am looking to get something that's better quality for future recipes

You can also add Chia seed to amp up the calcium, protein and fiber if you like and if you don't have chocolate chips on hand you can also used dried fruit such as cranberries, raisins or blueberries.

You can add flax, but i recommend adding ground flax as flax seeds whole are very difficult for the body to digest and the sharp ends can be damaging on the soft lining of the intestinal tract.

Once you have all your ingredients in the bowl you can use a wooden spoon and get the old elbow grease going and give the ingredients a good solid mixing which is how i do it and it works out fine.

However you can just give everything a quick whirl in the food processor and your good to go.

Once you have incorporated all the ingredients you can now form them into balls. I usually rub my hands with a bit of coconut oil to make handling the mixture easier as it will be somewhat sticky from the syrup and sugars.

You can make them small or larger depending on your preference a golf ball size is a good choice

Once you have all of them made put them in the fridge for about 20 mins and the will set up nicely. You can then go ahead and eat a couple or store them in a tupperware container for later use.

These are delicious when your on the go and need a mid-day pick me up and instead of reaching for chips, chocolate bars, or a soda pop that will just give you a bad sugar crash in no time, give your body something better to work with and let me know how you feel after a week or two of doing so. I guarantee you won't want any of that crap ever again.

My family has been loving these and even my son who is super picky thinks these are delish, so I can also say these are KID SNACK APPROVED, just be mindful that unless you use ingredients that are for sure nut free you can NOT send these as a snack to most schools, so please avoid that and save these for at home or family road trips.

Let me know if you found this helpful and would like to see more posts like this in the future

Thanks everyone and I hope you try these out and please feel free to send me your pics of your finished protein balls so I can post them here for everyone to see and enjoy:)



  1. Welcome back Betty! Yes, I would like to see more of these type of posts!
    These sound delish and make a perfect on the go healthy snack! Thanks for sharing this recipe...I will give it a whirl.

    Keisha xo

    1. Glad to be back with something different to share. I have been doing a life cleanse as I like to call it and part of it was changing the entire way I was eating. I still have a lot of work a head of me, but I have already lost 20lbs since the beginning of May:) I am happy to hear you like the post. My posting won't be as frequent but I will definitely be doing more like this with time. Have a wonderful day and thanks for sticking around Keisha xo:)

  2. These sound good. I will have to see if they interest my husband. I will let you know if I decide to make them!

    1. Ok sounds good. Hopefully he will be interested and you can tailor it to certain ingredients that you may both prefer, over the ones I mentioned:) thanks for coming by its much appreciated.

  3. These look amazing and sound delicious!

    ☮ ♡ :) melli

    1. These are delish, try it out some time if you get a chance. P.S. I am not on IG anymore but you can leave me a comment here or email me sometime at


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