Wednesday, February 5, 2014


The Beauty Love Affair tag was created by Saffron Lallem of Saffy Style, Ashley Maria of Ashley Maria, Love, Life, Beauty and Shalunya of Shalunya & Boyet. We would love to read your answers so please feel free to tag us on Google + or leave a comment on our blogs.

beauty love affair themakeupsquid,com

The Rules:
1 Answer each question with the name of a beauty product and, if you'd like, explain why.
2. Give out more Valentines (tag other bloggers).
3. If you are tagged more than once please feel free to answer the questions again using a different type of product. If you answered the first time with skincare, then answer again with an eye, lip, face, nails, or hair product.  

First Love

Oh.. You remember what it was like to fall in love for the first time. Such bliss and excitement! Who was your first love?
That is an easy one for me, I was about 9 and I got a set of the Maybelline Kissing Koolers. I loved the fun swirly tye dye tubes and the flavours were awesome, I just liked them because it was a close second to real lipstick. Don't remember clearly, but I think they moisturized pretty good. I have often hoped that Maybelline would rerelease these as a throwback project or something.

Image from Google

Puppy Love
Before you knew your real love, there were those childhood crushes that sometimes blossomed into a cute puppy love. Who was yours?

I have two Puppy Loves in this category, one is a nail polish from Hard Candy called "Sky" and I thought I was so awesome sporting this colour, along with the plastic ring that came with it;P
Image from Google
The other item was the beginning of my long love affair with Revlon lipsticks in general which was the coveted "Toast of New York" a lot of girls back then felt this was the must have shade of lipstick.
Image from Google

Love Triangle

Such a predicament. This one is so sweet and demure, but this one is so bold and sexy. Tell us about being torn between two lovers. Who were the players in your love triangle?

My kind, gentle and loyal Physicians Formula Super BB cream is always there when I need him,
image from google
 but sometimes a girl wants the chase of a naughty mysterious foreign lover and that's my Missha M perfect cover bb cream with its alluring scent and hot package;)
image from google

Current Love

Dating? Engaged? Married? Who is your main squeeze? Tell us about the one you can't live without or can't seem to let go of. Who is your current love?

My Bare English & Co. there is nothing I like better then a good English gentle men, who leaves my lips yearning for more, that's when you know he is the one you can't live without.

Secret Crush

Even though you're committed to your current love, looking around and admiring from afar never hurt anyone... Who are you secretly crushing on?

I have really been laying my eyes heavily on the oh so sexy Viseart , so good to look at, so hard to reach and so much out of my league. This is the kind of crush that makes me weak in the knees;)
Image from Google

Blind Date

Which was The One that was introduced by a friend or mailbox company e.g Ipsy that you love?

This blind date happened at a chance encounter at the check out at Tony Moly and all though we had never seen each other before it was instant gratification for both. Tony Moly snail hand cream soothed me and he had the satisfaction of knowing he worked on the first date
image from google

Steamy Affair

Which was The One that you left your steadfast regular for; the sexy, handsome one that caught your eye and had you hooked in a Steamy Affair with?

Spicy, exotic and deeply shrouded in a veil of mystery, I knew I had to have him. I reached for him and as he released on my skin I knew there was no turning back, He would be mine for ever, his solid body, warm embrace and strong presence amongst all others. He was TokyoMilk Dark Excess

Sweet Temptation

Which was The One that has snagged your attention but you are only tempted by, you don't know yet whether you want a Steamy Affair or not with?

Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette a sexy decadent partner that would surely aim to please, but you all know how those types can be fun in the beginning, but can lose their luster fast. A unique type, but not ready for a long affair. Its like the guy who attracts you with his aroma and good looks and falls short somewhere else
Image from Google

Love At First Sight

You saw it and immediately you loved it.

I knew it was love before I even touched him and once in my hands I knew it was right Holika Holika Baby Bloom powder veil.


Double Date
They came in a box set; two great things for the price of one.

I have not been on this double date as of yet

Friend Zone

You just knew he was amazing; but he's not all that. Who have you relegated to the friend zone? 

Quo Skulls & Studs- So cool to look at, but he just couldn't cut it, a bit of a disappointment on the inside and that's what really counts. Ok as a friend, but not one you call on often

Worst Breakup

You wanted to love him forever; but you quickly discovered that he was not 'Mr. Right.' In fact he was awful and broke your heart. Who was your worst breakup?

CoverGirl Whipped Foundation- Made you feel as light as air and ready to face the world, but some how along the way our chemistry didn't work anymore and it was time to say goodbye, a relationship has to be built on a solid "FOUNDATION" ;P

image from Google


Total Loser 

You were giddy when he asked you out. You had high hopes for a long relationship. Instead he was a complete dud. Who was your total loser?

Revlon age defying foundation- Is the guy you take out to meet friends and all he does is say and do everything possible to be a total jerk face and even though he seemed like a good fit at the start, it quickly became apparent of how badly flawed he really was. It was time to put him to the curb.

Long Lost Love

You were young and he was among your firsts. You grew, you moved on, you two lost touch with each other. Recently you bumped into each other again and you remembered all the reasons you liked him. Who is your long lost love?

 Holika Holika Petit clearing BB cream- When we ran into each other again he put a glow back on my face that I forgot he was capable of. I felt like we were perfectly blending again after all this time.

Major Lust

You haven't yet met. You're just loving him from afar because you feel like he's out of your league. Who is your major lust?

Chantecaille Save the Bees palettes- This guy makes my eyes sparkle, my palms sweat and would make my cheeks flush, but he is beyond me. He is too gorgeous for words and to fancy for even me. I am ok with lusting after him from afar.

I want to thank Saffy, Ashley and Shalunya for creating this fun thought provoking tag. I especially want to thank the ever fearless and very perseverant Laurie of  The Makeup Squid

Okay! Now for my valentimes :)

Liz- My Pretty Obsessions
Sissi- Beauty4Free2U
Julie & Ashley- 20/30 Glam
Chelsey- The Creative Belle
Meaghan- xoxomeaghan

The list can go on, but please feel free to do it to if not mentioned above.
Thanks for reading everyone and have a wonderful night or day depending on where you are:)


  1. I LOVE your sassy answers!!! I actually laughed out loud at them. You are so very clever my friend. I remember the Kissing Koolers! I had forgotten all about them! Ohhh that bee palette looks delightful. Once we put this together and we had to answer the questions we realized that some of them did take a bit of thinking. Over all, we had such a fun time putting together this tag. Thank you so much for joining us in this tag. Your answers are amazing!

    1. Glad I gave you a good laugh. I actually really enjoyed this tag it was great fun and very clever by you 3 that put it together. Kudos to you for a great tag. Oh ps the bee palette is $95 so it can stay right where it is lol;)

  2. Lmao!! I I was reading a steamy novel!! I loved it♥♥ that bee palette thingy looks amazing!! If I owned it I would never use it in fear of ruining it. Bravo!! You made my night. Xxoo

    1. I am so glad I could make your night. So mission accomplished if you felt like it was a steamy novel, I see my work here is complete lol;) yeah at that price and how gorgeous I would never use the bee palette either. That's crazy town prices for it though. Thanks so much xo

  3. Loved the part where you wrote that you haven't been in a box set yet..! Haha What a great post..! The physicians formula bb cream didn't work for me.. Bummer..

  4. Hey! Thanks for swing by and having a read. Don't be a stranger,
    come by again soon. That is a bummer it didn't work out. Just goes to show how very different everyone's skin, texture and tone can overall effect the out come of a product.:)

  5. That too faced Chocolate Bar Looks Good enough for me to have and eat Lol
    Excellent Choices

  6. Omg... I am dying over your answers!! You have sold me on almost every item you described to be amazing! I'm waiting for you to be a spokesperson for one of these companies that you love so much! I'll give PF a call for you to set up an interview!!! LOL :)

    Thank you so much for participating in this tag. You have made it so much fun and exciting.

    Love you boo.

    P.S. You've got to tell me when you go on that double date. ;)

    1. I glad you were drawn to the allure of my answers darling. I love this tag, so fun. I love having to think in a different perspective, it makes it that much more interesting. Love you too:)xo I sure will let you know about that double date, I am just a bit picky lol:)

  7. Wow!! This was so enticing, the way you described everything! Great post and even though I haven't seen much of your blog, I am so glad you did the tag. Those English lipbalms look so nice. I am English but haven't heard of them so I will keep my eyes peeled because I am always in need of a good balm.

    1. Glad to participate in this tag and thanks ever so much for creating such a fun one. Even though they are called Bare English they are made here in Toronto, but they wanted to have a brand image of British rock & roll. You can order them on line, they ship worldwide;) Thanks for reading and commenting

  8. What fabulous answers! I loved the sultry and sexy way you described it all! I'm still smiling....awesome post!

    Keisha xo

    1. Glad this tag made you smile, I had a lot of fun doing this;) xo

  9. Omg your answers are so cute! I don't know a lot of these products so it was fun to read about them. Thanks for sharing Betti!

  10. I finally had to find out about all your loves and exes lol! This tag is so awesome and your answers really great. I do not like English men very much (always have to think of Hugh Grant - and that English accent- nay!) lol!!! But maybe these are an exceptions- I have never dated any of them! Kisses, Sissi

    1. Oh trust me I don't like all Englishmen just my hubby who has part English in his blood line lol.;) I love the English accent, but I am not a fan of Hugh Grant, I am more the Jude Law type. xo


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